
domain for sale

MailChimp and active campaign email marketing specialist


MailChimp and active campaign email marketing specialist
Hello Hiring Manager,Do you need help building your email marketing? Look no further!Welcome Amazing BuyerDo you have a business but need to start using Email Marketing to convert your Traffic into Leads and Leads into Customers? Or do you have Leads but need to engage more with them through Email Marketing to maximize the profit chances?I will set up an Email Marketing system for your lovely business on Mailchimp or work on an existing Mailchimp account.My Mailchimp work:
  • Design Emails (No coded)
  • Setup campaigns/newsletters
  • Autoresponders Setup
  • Recover abandoned carts with SMS and email
  • Contacts Management (popup, Tagging, Grouping, Segmentation, Signup Form)
  • Lead Generation Forms
  • Integration with Website
  • Integration with Social Media
  • Targeted Segmentation
  • E-commerce Autoresponders
  • Recover lost customers
And more…Why did you hire me?I am responsible and finish my work on time. I work passionately, sincerely, and with all my heart & soul…
$60 Order Via WhatsApp

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  Want to contact us then reach out

