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Senuke XCr Full Monty v4


Senuke XCr Full Monty v4
SEnuke Full Monty is the best template among all templates of SEnuke XCr. This has proven records of bringing sites top of search engines including Google! after penguin update.

Looking for Ranking your website, and increase the number of positive actions on your website when you show up first in Google!

What will we do in each campaign :
  • Web 2.0's
  • Social Networks
  • Social Bookmarks
  • Forums
  • PDF Submissions
  • Article Directories
  • Press Releases
  • RSS Sites
  • Wiki Sites
  • Article Submission etc..


*Url & Keywords:
For each campaign We allow 1 url (same domain) and 10 keywords. Our recommendation is to select 4 main keywords and other 6 similar keywords. We are allowing these extra 6 keywords after penguin update to balance the keyword density.

We will use Article builder to get high quality&unique articles.

*Our Turnaround Time:
Our turnaround time is 3 days, but we will try to deliver you the campaign report as soon as possible.

*Work Reports:
We will provide you complete work reports of the campaign including all types of backlinks.

We will use Standard captcha solving to provide you till 400 accounts per campaign.

Buy 2 get 1 for free
$4.5 Order Via WhatsApp

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Create 10,000 Wiki backlinks using your url and keywords

Create 10,000 Wiki backlinks using your url and keywords

Senuke XCr Full Monty v4

Senuke XCr Full Monty v4

 build Up to 1 Million backlinks for your url/s and keyword/s

build Up to 1 Million backlinks for your url/s and keyword/s

  Want to contact us then reach out

